Folk music
When we refer to "folk music," we often are referring to well-known, old, traditional music styles in a culture for which we may not even know who composed the songs. Folk music tends to be passed on by oral transmission more than by organized publication. In a way it is the common music of a people or culture.
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The Progressive Era is considered from 1890 to 1920. The major role of the United States in global affairs during this period of time was its involvement in the war.
The military affairs of that time included the war with Spain, the war to conquer the Philippines and the entry into the First World War.
Until the beginning of the 20th. century, political affairs in the US used to follow Washington and Madison, guidelines of neutrality and nonintervention.
But in those times, European nations turned into imperialism, establishing colonies in different parts of the planet. Time passed by when Theodore Roosevelt, influenced by <em>The Influence of Sea Power Upon History</em>(written by Admiral Alfred Thayer in 1890), understood the potential of investing money in other countries, securing the interest of the U.S.
In the 1910-1920's, the United States government followed an intervention policy in the Caribbean and Central America, the Philippines and even President Wilson supported the Mexican revolution.
Cultural appropriation is harmful because it is an ex- tension of centuries of racism, genocide, and oppression. Cultural appropriation treats all aspects of marginalized cultures (also known as targets of oppression) as free for the taking.
The North Koreans almost defeat South Korea, by forcing them onto the Pusan Perimeter.