The answer is C. DNA from the S bacteria is necessary for bacterial transformation to occur.
When heat-killed nonvirulent S bacteria will be treated with enzymes that degraded DNA it will destroy the genetic information required for cell survival. DNA is very essential for an organism and is called the molecule of life. DNA degradation is also a part of cell death called apoptosis. That's why all the samples grew except the one where DNA was enzymatically degraded.
1.To produce organisms with new traits, breeders can introduce mutations (usually in bacteria) using radiation or chemicals, or they can create polyploid plants. Polyploidy describes an organism with multiple sets of chromosomes.
2.An outline of the relationship between mutations and genetic variation. A mutation is known to be a natural process in which theDNA sequences is changed in a living organisms. Although, genetic variation is the change in both alleles and genes, both throughout and amongst the population.
3. Assuming the traits are recessive, and this is not a case of incomplete dominance, begin crossing any plants you have. Hopefully, you will have two heterozygous plants (for both traits) and will see at least one trait show recessive in one of the progeny. If you are lucky, you will get two plants, one recessive for red flowers, one recessive for short stems. Cross the two, and you will get a completely recessive individual.
4. The offspring are the result of sexual reproduction