The correct answer is B.
Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airway, it consists of inflammation of the bronchi, which are responsible for bringing air to the lungs, producing an obstruction of these, which deals with recurring episodes of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and a variable obstruction to air flow. All these inflammatory changes can happen abruptly (Acute Asthma) or slowly and continuously (Chronic Asthma). When they appear abruptly it is called "crisis" or acute asthmatic attack. Both the acute and chronic forms can be highly variable in terms of intensity or duration; sometimes they yield alone or with special treatments.
Monarchy is a form of government where a state is headed by a monarch while democracy is a government headed by elected representatives
Attitude if you have a positive attitude then you can get through tough times with a good attitude and a positive one
The main reason why United States was involved in Vietnam is that the United States believed in the so called Domino effect: that if one country becomes communist, others might become communist too. So they got involved to stop the spread of communism (option a)