any number that begins a sentence, title, or text heading. Whenever possible, reword the sentence to avoid beginning with a number.
Ten participants answered the questionnaire.Forty-eight percent of the sample showed an increase; 2% showed no change.
common fractions
It helps in understanding which crop should be cultivated on a particular land.
It also helps in gaining information about how agriculture can be done in poorer soils.
It gives information about the nutrient quality of the soil.
This avoids wastage of capital on the cultivation of unsuitable crops.
It also helps in controlling pests and insects.
Usually, the time to obtain a degree is more than the time required to obtain a post-secondary certification.
<h3>What is a post-secondary certification?</h3>
It is a certificate obtained in any educational program after you graduate from school. Depending on the program, a certificate can be obtained after some months or years.
<h3>What is a degree?</h3>
This is a title you obtain after completing a whole university program, which often requires about 5 years.
Learn more aobut post-secondary certification in: