The nurse should make a note of it so that the doctor will know not to prescribe this particular medicine.
It is called a homogeneous mixture
The vegetable oil is made up of chains of long fatty acids. These long chains of fatty acids are non-polar in nature, i.e, they do not interact through ionic forces rather by covalent forces. The phospholipids are also long chain fatty acids with an ionic head. The mixing of the vial of phospholipid in vegatable oil will lead to the formation of a micelle where the lipophilic ends of the phospholipid will be on the outside and the lipophobic end will be towards the centre of the micelle.
The cell could not make ATP.
Glycolysis may be defined as the process in which a glucose molecule is broken down into the two molecules of the pyruvate. Pyruvate is used to produce energy through various pathways that depends upon the availability of the oxygen. However when the glycolysis in blocked and the pyruvate is not formed, then the cells would not be able to use either the fermentation or aerobic respiration or the perform citric acid cycle. So the cell does not make any ATP.
Isocitrate + NAD+ -> a-ketoglutarate + CO2 + H2
The amount of ATP produced from one molecule of glucose will decrease because NADH is no longer produced in the isocitrate dehydrogenase reaction. Without generation of this high energy electron carrier there will be less electrons from one molecule of glucose that are transferred to and through the electron transport chain. So there will be less protons (H+ ions) pumped into the intermembrane space. So there will be less of a H+ ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane to drive the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase.