The young men could not uproot the tree themselves so they asked the chief for help, the chief was able to uproot and bring the tree to its side so when the wife went to balance herself on the branches, she fell in a body of water below it.
C. <span>You are not allowed on the dance floor unless you are a dancer, the choreographer, or you take photographs. </span>
Forest fires and wildfires are natural because they help to clear debris, old brush, and dying trees. This helps the trees to be able to grow along with the seeds produced when fire heats them.
In the story of Mice and Men, Crook is one of the main characters of the story. He has been the center of the story as he goes through his life and it pin points how he dwells and handles his life in a series of consequences. During his free time, his hobby or the usual thing that he does that finds his interest is reading which he mostly does when he does not do anything or if he is not busy.