Copying and pasting information someone else wrote and trying to present it as your own
plagiarism is when you copy someone's work, present it as your own, and do not credit them.
Huck must examine his conscience throughout the story. Huck's own value system often comes in conflict with Southern white views on issues like racism and organized religion. Huck not only longs to free himself from the physical confines of his being but from the social confines of a very homogenous, and ignorant, status-quo,
"I said I wouldn't, and I'll stick to it. Honest INJUN, I will. People would call me a low-down Abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum – but that don't make no difference. I ain't a-going to tell, and I ain't a-going back there, anyways. So, now, le's know all about it."</span>
<span>The type of error in this sentence is dangling construction. The phrase by calling every hour is a dangling modifier because it doesn't clearly state what word it describes. The way it is written, the phrase is modifying the word my mother, whereas it should refer to Jamie, because he was the one who is calling, and not the mother.</span>