Complementary is a color scheme using one base color and its complement, the color on the exact opposite side of the color wheel. The base color is main and dominant, while the complementary color is used only as an accent. A combination of one warm and one cold color is always created.
Complementary is a color scheme using one base color and its complement, the color on the exact opposite side of the color wheel. The base color is main and dominant, while the complementary color is used only as an accent. A combination of one warm and one cold color is always created. We have to consider, which one will be dominant, and which one one accenting. The choice decides whether the result palette will look warm, or cold. Various monochromatic shades of both colors could be added to the scheme.
— The single most important compositional genre of the Renaissance was the musical setting of the Catholic Mass.the mass is renowned for its intricate interplay of vocal lines and has been studied for centuries as a prime example of Renaissance polyphonic choral music.