The popular idea that terminally ill and bereaved people go through predictable stages, such as denial, anger, and so forth "is not supposed by research studies".
The five stages of dying are;denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.These stages start when the patient is first known of a terminal ailment. While Kubler-Ross trusted this to be general, there is a considerable amount of space for singular variety. Not every person experiences each stage and the order of the stages might be distinctive for every individual.
Routine Activity Theory
The routine Activity Theory is a criminalistic theory that focuses in the day to day life of the offenders and how this affects him when they commit a crime.
The proposers of this theory state that a crime occur when three situations happen:
- a motivated offender (person who commit a crime)
- the absence of capable guardians (the police)
- The availability of suitable targets (the people who will be the victims).
Observing this definition and the example, we can conclude that The view that victimization results from the interaction of three everyday factors: the availability of suitable targets, the absence of capable guardians, and the presences of motivated offenders is called: Routine Activity Theory.
The answer is c...........
Teens or twenties
Older adults tend to name events that occurred when they were between teens or twenties years of age simply means they are reminiscing which is the ability of an older adults to recall past experiences or event which in turn make them fulfilled as the look back at their lives and what happened in the past.
Reminiscing in older adults can often help them by giving them opportunity to talk about what is important to them thereby giving them more confident because they are happy when they recollect ,think or talk about stories from the pasts making them to recollect their long forgotten experience.