When it comes to race it usually delayed the admissions of the states into the Union. For example the states with majority population consisting of Mexicans and Native Americans were not allowed into the Union until the Congress opened those lands for white settlers. The issue of gender impacted the admissions less, the difference was in the level of commitment to the women's rights.
He meant that his accomplishment are more than he had expected to accomplish
When Churchill mentions that his “private ambitions have been satisfied beyond my wildest dreams”.
He meant that his ambitions or desires have been accomplished more than he could ever think of or more than he had expected. This means that every position or role he has held is far more than what he expected of himself. Churchill might not have believed that his aims or ambitions in life will be achieved to that level or at that rate of progress.
For instance, Churchill held so many offices in his political career through appointment and election. He was a Member of Parliament from 1924 until 1964, home secretary, first lord of the admiralty, chancellor of the Exchequer, minister of defense, and prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955.
The Germans believed that Great Britain would decide to stay out of the war.
Schlieffen in his plans had made plans to take France by surprise and that a big and successful attack against France was going to be enough to stop Britain from being involved in the war. And This would give the Germans time (Schlieffen had built his plans around six weeks) to move soldiers who had been fighting the French to Russia to take on the Russians.
The attack on France was to be done through Belgium and Luxemburg. Britain in 1839 had guaranteed Belgium her neutrality. Schlieffen's strategy for success was dependent on Britain not supporting Belgium.
He led his men that a Battle
He wrote the Declaration of Independence, which officially declared that the American Colonies were completely free of British authority and influence.