Standard deviation is a number that tells you how measurements for a group are spread out from the average, aka the mean.
OSHA will issue a citation and a proposed penalty in the next 6 months.
OSHA will send a citation that will state the violation, any penalty and a date in which the violation should be corrected. The company will have the opportunity to discuss all this information and make an agreement to resolve the problem.
Traits of low-tension relationship:
- Less to almost no expectation to the members of the group
- Meet very little to almost no resistance from other people outside the group member
- The hierarchy within the group does not necessarily give the leader with authoritative power toward the members.
All of these traits exist in organizations such as church or study groups.
Traits of high-tension relationship:
- Members of the groups usually required to meet a certain set of requirement by the group
- Meet a really high resistance from other people outside the group
- Hierarchy within the group usually give the leaders with overwhelming power toward the members of the group.
Examples of organizations that have this tension would be sect and terrorist organizations.
40*50=2,000 Hours so 2,000*10=20,000 and 20% of 20,000 is 4,000 so $4000 is how much Anna pays in taxes.
Unity is the appearance or condition of oneness in a work of art.
Unity in art refers to the phenomenon when one element in a work of art is connected to another element or elements. Unity in art makes it wholesome, harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Unity in a work of art makes the viewer perceive it holistically rather than focusing on individual details. Attached are two examples of unity in artwork.