answer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answeranswer answer
the U.S. had withdrawn all its troops, the fighting in Vietnam. South Vietnam officially surrendered to North Vietnam on April 30, 1975.
Pedro Álvares Cabral
O Brasil foi oficialmente "descoberto" em 1500, quando uma frota comandada pelo diplomata português Pedro Álvares Cabral, a caminho da Índia, desembarcou em Porto Seguro, entre Salvador e Rio de Janeiro. (Há, no entanto, fortes evidências de que outros aventureiros portugueses o precederam.
I hope this helps
A) <span>On this day in 1956, the U.S. Congress approves the Federal Highway Act, which allocates more than $30 billion for the construction of some 41,000 miles of interstate highways; it will be the largest public construction project in U.S. history to that date.</span>