I don’t know I don’t know anything
Is one-chambered. It only consists of one legislative assembly.
For the first question, it's Papua New Guineia since it has the highest fertility rate. Look at it as which country is giving birth to most children per woman.
I'm not sure what the second question is because I'm not sure how to determine the human development index but It's also Papua New Guieniea I think. They have the 2nd lowest GDP, lowest female literacy, lowest life expectency while giving birth to most childreans per woman.
The correct answer is associative/ fictive kin.
Associative kin refers to a relationship between individuals, where they are not related by blood or family ties, yet, their bond is akin to that of family members or close relatives. Associative kin are likely to spend holidays together, vacation together and see each other regularly. In this instance, Marie shares an associative kin relationship with Danny and Karen's family since they have a close bond.
Within-Subjects Experiments
Within-Subjects Designs: this is a form of experimental design in which the participants involved is exposed or subjected to all the conditions.
However, in this case, Alberto, is using Within-Subject Designs (simultaneous) by exposing all the participants to answer arithmetic problems while listening to metal, and then country, and finally classical music simultenously.
The multiple conditions here are: arithmetic problems to solve, listening to different types of music in a sequence that mixed the different types.