It is called mimicry when a living thing copies the appearance of another living thing as a means of protection.
Mimicry is used primarily by living things as a means for protection and to decrease the chances of the living thing being killed. For example, a frog that is prey to a toad could have bright colors (bright color frogs are often poisonous) that don't mean anything to the frog and it's species, but to the toad, the frog is poisonous and should not be eaten, so the toad does not eat the frog because it is brightly colored.
Without mimicry, the frog would have been eaten because it wouldn't have had looked like a poisonous frog, or something that the toad would avoid.
, for the northern hemisphere, summer is the warmest time of year. It's not because the planet is that much closer to the Sun, it's because the top part of the Earth is facing the Sun for a amount of time.
The Sun is directly over the Equator during the autumnal equinox, and heating the northern and southern hemispheres equally. As the northern hemisphere is moving towards shorter days and the cold winter, the southern hemisphere is watching the snows melt and the flowers bloom during their spring.
Summer is the season where the Earth is tilted way from the Sun and the South Pole is getting all of the light
Spring is a bit of a mirror image to our position in autumn. The Sun is directly over the Equator during the equinox and the northern and southern hemispheres
Atmosphere of the early earth + lighting = paleolightning
The correct answer is A !
A mutation which occurs when a base is introduced into the DNA sequence before transcription begins will lead to frame-shift of a single base on the DNA sequence resulting in nonfunctional protein from the transcribed mRNA.
This change either through addition or deletion of a single base in the codon sequences of the DNA will modify the amino acid codes and will result in nonfunctional proteins after transcription.
This mutation will just result in change of a single base, i.e., it would be added either to the enhancer region or the silencer region of the sequence before the promoter which initiates transcription.
The mRNA produced due to mutated DNA sequence after the deletion or insertion point will be read as out of frame thus resulting in nonsense protein.