It can be a benifet because it boosts economic diplomacy. but can hurt us because taxes will rise due to too much money printing because more people means more money, leading to food, gas and other things pricing to rise.
While we can name many characters that were important in the process of annexing Texas to the United States, the name that stands out is Samuel Houston.
When the US Congress voted for the annexation of Texas at the end of February 1845, Mexico suspended its diplomatic relations with the US Union, warning that the annexation of Texas would be considered an act of war.
In Texas two political groups would be formed: a small portion, partisan of Texas independence, whose most important representatives were Anson Jones and Ashbel Smith; The other, more numerous and popular, was headed by Samuel Houston and was in favor of annexation to the United States.
Answer: 1)medicine 2)physics 3)astronomy 4)Aristotle
Explanation: According to the second paragraph, members of the Royal Society discussed MEDICINE, PHYSICS and ASTRONOMY. According to the fourth paragraph, members didn’t want to eliminate the works of ARISTOTLE, but instead wanted to build on them.
The answer is b............................
This would be immigration.