It should be that the Japanese surrendered. I hope this helps, if you need clarification let me know.
In the biblical Book of Genesis, chapter 1, it states that God divided the night from the day and saw that it was good. If one accepts God's role in creating day and night then the Sumerians finished the job and, if one does not, it was not God who divided night and day – it was the Sumerians.
Nations responded to threats to their allies by mobilizing their militaries.
By the time that anyone took back the decision to go to war, it was already too late because militaries got ready so quickly. It was like lighting a fuse, it happens so fast, it is almost impossible to stop.
President Roosevelt was for entering World War 2
According to historians, they believed the Roosevelt had the desire to enter the war and that he dragged the country unwillingly into World War 2.
It is basically saying energy cannot be created or destroyed , only transformed. hope i helpled :D