Answer: After a brief shout-out to Veep Henry Wallace, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, and the joint houses of Congress, President Franklin D. Roosevelt informs his audience that Japanese air and naval forces have attacked Pearl Harbor.
And this, he says, after the U.S. and Japan had been having conversations about preserving peace in the South Pacific. We can almost see the beet-red frowny-face this duplicitousness caused.
Adding insult to injury (lots and lots of injury), Japan had already been bombing up the joint for an hour when FDR's Secretary of State was passed a note by Ambassador Kichisaburō Nomura telling him Japan didn't want to be friends anymore.
But even though the note ended the friendship, it didn't say anything about launching a huge military attack. Not one peep.
Of course, FDR says, it's pretty obvious that Japan's been planning this for a while. It's not like the planes and submarines just teleported themselves to Hawaii; it would've taken them some time to organize this little affair.
Which is even more aggravating because this whole time, Japan's been acting like it was cool with the U.S. and was committed to improving relations. Guess that cat's out of the bag, Japan. And everyone is gonna know about it now.
I hope this helps.
Hi! Someone there is Brazilian?? We are a family owned and operated business.
In general, an essay should have an introduction (one paragraph), a body (number of paragraphs depends on the topic and how many words it shoud have, but it should have at least 3 paragraphs) and a conclusion (one paragraph).
As for the content, you can write about the topic in general, but it would be easier if you chose a specific example. It can be a true story, or you can make one up, since it is far more important how you write it, than whether it is true or not. One of the easiest examples would be a parent or grandparent.
You could start by saying that a great number of people pass through a persons life and that we look at other peoples behaviour, replicate the things we like and dismiss the ones we don't. Everyone looks up to someone, especially when we are young and impressionable and at different points of our lives we admire different people. If you are writing about a family member, you should say that there was one person that you especially admired and always looked up to. You could write about your early childhood and how impressed you were by that person, how wise/interesting/brave you thought they were. You should mention the things that that peson taught you, how he/she affected the decisions you made. Later, you could write about how you grew up, changed, and how you see things differently, but that person is still your hero and that you wouldn't be the person that you are today without him/her.
Crazy good pork burger
1 ripe sweet pear; 50gm mixed spinach, rocket & watercress; 150gm higher-welfare minced pork; 1 soft burger bun; 30gm blue cheese
Method of preparation:
Slice the pear lengthways as finely as you can. Toss gently with the salad leaves, a little drizzle each of extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar, and a pinch of black pepper. Scrunch the minced pork in your clean hands with a pinch of seasoning, then shape into a 1cm-thick patty. Rub with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, then place in a large non-stick frying pan on a high heat for 2 minutes, while you halve and toast the bun alongside, removing it when golden.
Flip the burger, then, after 2 minutes, crumble the blue cheese next to it to melt. Move the burger on top of the oozy cheese, jiggle around to coat, then put it on your bun base. Stack in as much pear and salad as the bun will hold, pop the lid on, squash and devour, with any extra salad on the side
Former U.S. president John F. Kennedy quoted John Winthrop as a source of inspiration. John F. Kennedy saw John Winthrop’s determination through Winthrop’s directive which provided caution and inspiration to the passengers. Puritan pridefulness has been represented by Winthrop’s “City upon a Hill” passage; the Puritans thought they were perfect, a city on top of a hill where everyone would admire and want to imitate. Winthrop had known that the world would watch the events in New England, not just by England.