Multiply 325326×(325325/2)=52,918,503,138 How it works:
know that 325325+1 is 325326, then 325324+2 is the same number, therefore you will get this number as many times as half of biggest number since you sum every last biggest number-1 with every last smallest number+1. so just multiply and you will get
2/5 X 100 = 200/5= 40 percent
Answer: Mark me brainliest..
Step-by-step explanation: and imma put the answer inside the comments if you do so. youve got nothing to lose! :D
See attachment for math work and answer.
Hello there! If you know basic division, then you know that 8/2 is 4. With 75 calories being in 2 ounces of yogurt, all we have to do is multiply by 4 to get the amount of calories in 8 ounces of yogurt, because 2 * 4 is 8. Plus for this scenario, whatever we do to one part, we must do to the other. Let's solve. 75 * 4 is 300. There. There are 300 calories in 8 ounces of yogurt.