Antagonist. He doesn't think about what he may do to the protagonist or other form of character. He might even be against them!
I am Life
I wonder about the world without life
I touch no flowers here
I hear no bees here
I see no birds here
I want there to be life here
I pretend there is life here
I touch the new flowers
I hear the new bees
I see the new birds
I worry it will be gone when I open my eyes
I open them and there it all is
All around me there is Life
Listing characters and their personality traits
By doing so you are understanding the characters better and are more likely to form better predictions, not saying that they will be right, but a better chance nonetheless.
1. He was not seen yesterday.
2. The telegram will be received tomorrow.
3. This book will be given to me next week.
4. The answer to this question can be found in the encyclopedia.
5. The historical monuments of the capital will be shown to the delegation.
6. Interesting information about life in the USA can be found in this book.
7. Budapest is divided by the Danube into two parts.
8. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolguruki in 1147.
9. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov.
10. Zhokovski is called the father of Russian aviation.
Lilies is the only way to make the noun lily plural.