A mountain peak on a topographic map a mountain would be represented by parallel contours of elevation according to the shape of the peak and the overall shape would be coming to a point or the peak of the mountain and since it is a mountain the contours would be fairly close together.
Weather is a complex phenomena. in order to solve engineering problems such as the prediction of weather, we utilize degrees of freedom (DoF)... weather is one of the many elements that need millions of DoF and still cannot accurately predict it. mainly it's a vector analysis much akin to finite element analysis where each micro degree of freedom or say molecule of air is represented as one point interconnected in a web of points and each point's properties are altered relatively (similar principles how autonomous mini drones coordinate synchoronously) to each other.
many factors are considered: pressure, temperature and density of the air for sure. friction factors. drag factors. rotation of the earth. and that's the natural phenomena. include the heat given off the land, the radiation from the sun, airplanes, people, etc... its highly complicated. having done a weather station project, it's fair to say that there isn't a simple answer to your simple question. we measured wind direction, wind current, temp and humidity, visibility, pressure, etc... and we couls measure these things, but can't really say why say the wind went east or west... except tell you that its because of millions of degrees of freedom interacting with each other simultaneously and some things like weather are just like that.
1. Egypt
2. South Africa
3. Libya
4. Sudan
5. Kenya
6. Nigeria
7. ?
8. Rwanda
9. Arabian Sea
10. Strait of Gibraltar
11. I don't see it??
12. Sahara Desert
13. Sahel
14. Cape Town
15. ?
16. Lake Victoria
17. Atlantic Ocean
18. Indian Ocean
19. Mediterranean Sea
20. Niger River
21. Congo River
22. Nile River
23. Cairo
24. Pretoria
25. Mt. Kilimanjaro or Nairobi?
26. Lagos
27. I don't see 27??
28. Rabat
Explanation: I'm going to do some more research lol
Mechanized agricultural methods have improved agricultural productivity.
Participation in the global economy has increased urbanization
Settlement areas have increased due to improved water storage and delivery systems
The average luminance of the Sun is about 1.88 giga candela per square metre, but as viewed through Earth's atmosphere, this is lowered to about 1.44 Gcd/m2. However, the luminance is not constant across the disk of the Sun (limb darkening).