Human rights violation or abuse means any harm committed by a State or a business enterprise, through acts or omissions in the context of business activities, against any person or group of persons, individually or collectively, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their human rights, including environmental rights, through acts or omissions in the context of business activities of a transnational character.
Affective component is the feeling a person has towards a situation that result from his/her belief about a person or situation.
For instance: a person who works hard and believes hard work earns promotion may feel anger or frustration when he or she works but is not promoted and will be affected in this situation.
This reflects Fatima feeling towards her manager when her colleague who deserved less promotion than she did was promoted, she was affected when this happened which is why she doesn't like her manager.
You will feel stronger once you gain a bit of flexibility, simply because that flexibility gives you the range of motion to let your muscles work more efficiently. Maintaining flexibility will aid in muscle and joints health, which can keep older adults doing their favorite daily activities and remain independent.
D) The losangeles police department.
According to the Washington Post, in 2019 the United States of America had 992 fatalities from police shootings. From this number, one of the top states with the most fatalities was California, who had 130 fatalities from police shootings in 2019. The majority of which came from the Los Angeles police department.
The demand for beer is inelastic
Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) is the measure of responsiveness of the demand of a consumer to a product to a change in the price of the product. The formula is percentage change in quantity demanded divided by percentage change in price.
A PED of greater than 1 is elastic, meaning that the demand for a product is sensitive to the very small change in price.
A PED of less than 1 is said to be inelastic, which implies that there is no significant change in the quantity demanded when the price changes. In our example, the PED is inelastic because:

since 0.25 is less than 1, PED is inelastic
Finally, if the ratio of the percentage changes in both quantities demanded and price equals 1, it is said to be unit elastic. This means that there is a proportionate change in quantity demanded with a change in price.