1. Incremental cash flow is the potential increase or decrease in cash flow from an investment this could be positive or negative.
In this case in expanding a product line or launching a new project incremental cash flow could be.
a. Positive: this is the increase in cash flow due to the product launch and expansion.
b. Negative: this is the decrease in cash flow due to the product launch and expansion
2. a. Payback:
profit gotten from an initial investment equal to what was initially invested
b. Net Present Value(NPV)
This is the difference between present value of income and present value of expenditure over a period of time.
c. Internal Rate of Return(IRR)
Measure the rates of returns for an investment excluding external factors such as risk free rates, inflation e.t.c
d. Profitability Index Method (PIM)
this is the lowest acceptable measures of the rates of returns for an investment excluding external factors such as risk free rates,inflation e.t.c