an enterprise architecture
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario it seems that GenXTech is creating an enterprise architecture. This is a blueprint made for a company that illustrates and defines all the finer details regarding the structure and operation of an organization, as well as where the organization should be heading in order to achieve the business goals that have already been set.
The drill down term is basically used in the information technology for the explore the multidimensional information or data by navigating the different layers of the data from the web page applications.
Drill down basically involve in the database by accessing the specific information through the database queries. Each query basically increase the data granularity. This term is also involve with the link for represent the details more specifically.
The drill down is the simple approach or technique for dividing the complex problems into small parts so that it make the technique more efficient.
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) {
int carYear = 1995;
if(carYear < 1967)
System.out.println("Probably has few safety features.");
if(carYear > 1971)
System.out.println("Probably has head rests.");
if(carYear > 1992)
System.out.println("Probably has anti-lock brakes.");
if(carYear > 2002)
System.out.println("Probably has tire-pressure monitor.");
The code is in Java.
Initialize the carYear
Use if statements to handle year before 1967, after 1971, after 1992 and after 2002.
Print the required message for each if statement
Multiple devices can be connected