Victor assaults his investigations with excitement and, overlooking his public activity and his family far away in Geneva, gains quick ground. Later, Ardently dedicating himself to this work, he ignores everything else; family, companions, studies, and public activity, and becomes progressively pale, desolate, and fixated.
isosceles. In geometry, the word isosceles describes a triangle with two sides that are the exact same length. ... The Greek root, isoskeles, means "with equal legs."
girl we both looking for this answer LOL
In the image, I see an angry woman kicking who I assume to be her newly wedded husband very hard. So hard, in fact that he's flying back a bit. The husband seems scared, or perhaps shocked at what she's doing. I wonder what he could've done that was so awful to have caused her to kick him on what I could guess as a happy wedding.
hope that helps! its a little over 3 sentences, BUT I used 6 different adjectives. ^w^