Below you will find each answer linked to each woman description
4. Mary Hayes
Became known as Molly Pitcher for bringing the soldiers water while under fire. She too would take her husband’s place at a cannon
2. Margaret Corbin
Took over firing a cannon after her husband was killed in battle - was hit by enemy fire herself
8. Abigail Adams
Worked behind the scenes to try to gain more rights for women and for slaves.
5. Anne Marie Lane
pretended to be male and fought in the Continental Army
3. Hannah Blair
had a farm in NC where she would hide patriots and supply them with food and medical care
6. Mercy Otis Warren
Wrote a play about the British who were blockading Boston. The play helped to turn some that were initially Loyalists into Patriots.
7. Phyllis Wheatley
Became the first African American woman, and the first slave, to publish a book of Patriotic poetry
1. Deborah Sampson
She enlisted as a soldier in the Revolutionary War, pretending to be a man. She fought in four major battles till she was wounded, and it was discovered that she was a woman.
Im sorry there is not enough info, can u add some?
Romans expanded as they came with conflicts with its surrounding neighbours.
The Romans did not set out any plan to build an empire. Instead, they expanded as it came into conflict with neighbouring city-states, kingdoms, and empires. By engaging in fights, they include these new territories and populations as their own. The more powerful and prosperous the Romans became, they further expand their empire. The Romans were not content with their small state in Italy. Romans were able to gain victories because of the discipline and training of soldiers who developed as the best fighters in its period. Rome territorial conquest in Italy led them to declare Latin as an official language.