All Indo European languages have clearly defined parts of speech
Answer: Option 1
Usually parts of speech are made up of components like verb, noun, pronoun, adverb, conjunction, interjection, articles, determiner etc. Being one of the largest and the category to bring in a lot of languages under its umbrella.
A lot of Indo European languages have owned such sentence components, except Latin and a handful of Slavic languages like Polish, Czech, and Bulgarian etc.
There are some languages which go beyond the Indo European list of languages like Finnish and Hungarian and they have an interesting part of speech called post-position.
Answer:, it shows synonms and antonyms.
Hi, he sought Utnapishtim, who is sort of an equivalent to Moses, both of them had to build a boat in order to save themselves from the great flood that gods sent them. Utnapishtim was awarded immortality for being loyal to gods, and Gilgamesh is obsessed with the idea of eternal life, thus he seeks Utnapishtim and gods (primarily Enlil) to become immortal as well.
I'm pretty sure that the answer is C
separating independent clauses when they are joined by coordinating conjunctions like; and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.