In William Shakespeare’s Act 5 Scene 3 of Macbeth, a complete different side of Macbeth is revealed. In the beginning of the play Macbeth is a man who cannot even stand up for himself, and a man who completely relies on his wife to make major decisions. Then the very next day Macbeth becomes a man who murder, the king Duncan, and then two servants, and later his best friend Banquo.
that means i will give them want they dont need
Quoting: taking direct words from the text.
Paraphrasing: taking something and putting it in your own words.
Summarizing the source: paraphrasing the main idea.
You put the in-text citation for quotes usually after you main point.
The chapter in The Iroquois Book of Rites contains information about the rules and regulations about of the Iroquois Nation can be found in chapter 6, 'The laws of the league'. When you are reading the book take notes and highlight any important information so that when you go to answer questions you can make references to the highlighted material.
Hope this helps if you have any other questions or would like further explanation just let me know! :)