This is known as aversion therapy. Here, a patient is concurrently exposed to a stimulus, typically an addiction, and some form of discomfort. The idea behind this is that the patient will associate the addiction with unpleasant experiences. In this way, it is hoped that the patient will overcome his/her addiction. This sort of therapy has taken many forms. The more common form is for example to paint unpleasant-tasting nail polish on one's nails to discourage nail chewing. More extreme forms include electric shock therapy.
the moon is apart of the tides
Martha has a widow's peak (dominant trait) and attached earlobes (recessive trait).
Martha's dad had a straight hairline (ww) and unattached earlobes (Ee, because she has the recessive alleles ee and both parents give us one allele).
This tells you that martha has a mother with at least one of both alleles dominant for widow peak and at least one recesive allele of attached earlobes
So, martha's alleles are: Ww and ee.
If she marries a man that is heterozygous for both traits (Ww and Ee) the probabilitys are
Ww Ee x Ww ee: WWEe, WwEe, wWee, and wwee
Answer: Sea stars move using a water vascular system. Water comes into the system via the madreporite. It is then circulated from the stone canal to the ring canal and into the radial canals.
Explanation: The radial canals carry water to the ampullae and provide suction to the tube feet.