During the revolution, the North was more patriotic, especially New England (New York was a loyalist hub), while the South was more loyalist, especially the landed gentry of the tidewater area, and the slave lords of the Deep South.
During the writing of the Articles of Confederation, the South was in favor of a weaker central government, while the North was in favor of a stronger central government.
Finally, during the creation of the constitution, the Southern states were in favor of equal state representation in Congress, since the Southern states tended to be less populated, while the Northern states were in favor of proportional state representation, because they tended to have more people. In the end, the Connecticut Compromise was reached, and the Senate became the body of equal state representation, while the House became the body of proportional state representation.
Gettysburg address was a famous speech givin by abe lincoln
The right answer is:
c. Wealthy merchants who could spur economic growth in the colonies.
In the 18th century, Great Britain administered its colonies under a system or mercantilism that aimed at the economic benefit of the metropolis. By mid-century, there was a society with increased living standards and rising demands of comfort and new consumer products that reflected social status. Constant exploration, new settlements and trade provided new economic opportunitities. At some moment, beyond the traditional settlement of poor immigrants from the British islands and other parts of Europe, the colonial authorities encouraged the migration of rich people to take advantage of opportunities of growing trade and in farming in new lands.