because he was a good king
John Robert Lewis was born outside of Troy, Alabama, on February 21, 1940. Lewis had a happy childhood — though he needed to work hard to assist his sharecropper parents — but he chafed against the unfairness of segregation. He was particularly disappointed when the Supreme Court ruling in 1954's Brown v. The Board of Education didn't affect his school life. However, hearing King's sermons and news of the 1955-56 Montgomery bus boycott inspired Lewis to act for the changes he wanted to see.
It was Tammany Hall that was the location associated with political machines in the 19th century, since this was the place that many men would meet not only to discuss politics but also to elect members to office.
Increasing numbers of immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe
It would be my mom.
She is the smartest person I know. No one would be more perfect.