a thorn bush poppin up out da ground to stop the fight and save the day!
The answer is Frederick Douglass. He wrote an autobiography entitled "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, Written by Himself." The book was written in 1845 and became a best seller. Consequently, it helped further the cause of abolitionism in the United States.
Thesis: Humans are things that live on earth and live off of other animals.
Re-statement of thesis: Humans are a complex species that dominate any parts of the world and play an important role in life. Humans learn though studding and listening from others and continue the path of success.
Slim makes Curley agree to saying that he got his hand crushed in a machine in order to keep George and Lennie from being fired. He threatens to let everyone know that Curley is weak because he lost the fight. George tells Slim that he used to play tricks on Lennie but doesn't anymore.