Hilly towards flat.
Higher elevation toward lower elevation.
Clayey to sandy type of soil.
The land of Charlotte NC is hilly whereas coastal plains of North Carolina is flat. Charlotte NC is located at a high elevation while on the other hand, the coastal plains of North Carolina are located at the sea and at lower height. The soil type of Charlotte NC is clay and silt whereas the soil type of coastal plains of North Carolina is sandy due to the presence of sea.
Double fertilization-plants with seeds (flowering plants), two male gametes joining with female gametophyte
Gametophyte generation-both (haploid, sexual stage stage-gametophyte, and the diploid stage that produces spores – sporophyte)
Endosperm formed-plants with seed because it is a tissue formed inside the seed which surrounds the embryo and provides nutrition
Mitosis-both (mitosis occurres in spores)
Spores develop into gametophytes-both but, in seedless plants sporophyte produces spores that will develop into a new organism (multicellular gametophyte) using mitosis, while spores of seed plants are produced internally and develop into more complex structures.
chemical energy = 3
mechanical energy = 5
heat = 4
gravitational energy = 1
light = 6
nuclear energy = 2
I had the same question, and this is what I did.
lets say there is a fishtank in my house and there is a hole on top well the heat from our stove causes it to evaporate the go to the cealing then when the heat drops the it falls back down