they can use phone to text, to record something that is important and they can use phone camera to video all the thing that they do. and they can post those easier now.
The war served woman in that by women stepping up to take the jobs of men who were fighting, they got the chance to show their strength and independence. The world recognized that women actually could be heroes, or people that could do a tough job. This benefited women and they gained the respect of society, also giving a chance to advance their national rights.
It should benefit the safety and diversity of the great society in humanity, also because the sunking died not in Versailles but in Bavaria
Rousseau meant by the general will that there is an inner aim in all human beings to a form existence which is common to all of them.
Rousseau was a primitive theorist in the sense that he believed that humans could have a peaceful coexistence if they went back to their old primate lifestyles and left the root of all evils behind with the society.
In this age of innocence, he believed there can not be any evil in any person who lives in this primate world.
This was part of his concept of the general will that all the people in the world possess this will to go back to that primitive life and lead a life of innocence.
The Spanish encomienda system as its foundation in using Native Americans for enforced labour whereas the Spanish caste system as it foundation on a population of various races.
Encomienda was a labour system in Spain that recompense Lords with a group of people as Labour.
The Spanish cast system had children from different races, they placed class and status at birth. Class and status was based on how Spanish one was.