As each green wave rose from the churning water, it illuminated within itself the six- or eight- foot- long bodies of twisting sharks. I would say this conveys a feeling of danger and apprehension as if leading up to a possibility whereby someone could get hurt by the sharks.
Pre-writing helps you decide how to organize your writing because it allows you to develop clear reasoning and also suggests ways in which the different ideas might be logically related, which can help you get a sense of how the essay could eventually be organized.
The best answer is the first option:
<span>For seven nights, he sneaks into the old man’s room and watches the sleeping man.
A good way to select the right answer is to read all of the options out loud. Which combination of the sentences sounds the most fluid and logical when you read it, and best preserves the meaning of the sentence? The first option does this best. </span>
the continental congress i believe