C. Ideas, information, and opinions
The most important characteristic of a good detective is if they are observational or not, they won't every solve any case if they don't keep their eyes wide open, and observe.
memory lane is a place full of wonders and joy but also memory lane can be a place of terror and nightmares. My memory lane is a swirl of joy and pain. The nostalgic past brings a sense of compassion and feeling. My memories are often filled with joyous and and heart warming thoughts of mind.
Memory lane can also be an ordeal. The vicious thoughts that ravage through my mind don't stop bothering me. But we all have to understand that our memories make our future. We reflect and seek upon our past, present, and future. We move forward and make a change, but not look back and make a mark. Memory lane is often a whimsical yet gruesome land.
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I plan to prove that college athletes should be paid to play. This matters because many people going into college play sports and they give up much of their time to do so. The athletes at a college are almost always the first students to arrive and the last to leave the campus. They arrive early to begin training and stay late because of big games. They should be paid because they give up a lot of their time to be at the practices. Some teams practice during class times which can mess up an athlete's academic schedule, others practice late at night when an athlete would want to be doing their homework or hanging out with friends. They should be paid because each win they have they give the college popularity and even perhaps money.
Counter claim: Athletes do not need to be paid because they got a scholarship to come which helps pay for their schooling already.