Is it better for a man to work and a woman to stay at home? Women and men were asked this question in the GSS 2010 file. Investigate the relationship between marital status (MARITAL) and responses to this question (Polviews). Have SPSS calculate the Chi-square by clicking on analyze, Descriptive Statistics, and Cross tabs, then on the Statistics button click on chi-square in the upper left corner and then click continue and then okay. Based on your chi-square are the results statistically significant?a. yes
b. noExplain.
A chi square (χ2) statistic is a test that measures how expectations compare to actual observed data (or model results). The data in question used in calculating a chi square statistic must have the following characteristics:
-mutually exclusive,
-drawn from independent variables,
-gotten from a large enough sample
SPSS stands for Statistical Package for Social Sciences, this is used to perform statistical analysis. It is used used by research to analyze data with various tools.
The Chi square is important becuase it can be used to test the hypothesis and see if the expected data is correlating with the actual oberved
Answer and explanation:
As we know, inside the bag of potato chips there is also air. Air is, of course, composed of several gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. When the atmospheric pressure is high, the volume of gas is reduced. Therefore, if the pressure is lowered, the volume increases. That is why the bag gets puffy. You've taken it from a place with higher atmospheric pressure to one where it is lower, so the gas will expand.
Land is considered the primary factor of production. Land is rich in coal, water and petroleum, which are used for generating power. Land is required to construct factories and industries to carry out the production process. A nation's economic wealth is directly related to the richness of its natural resources.
sorry if its long
The main characteristics of the painting are:
Perspective: figure art, in drawing or painting, the different distances and proportions between objects seen at a distance, according to the principles of mathematics and geometry;
Use of chiaroscuro: painting some areas of light and others in the shade, this game of contrasts reinforces the suggestion of volume of the bodies;
Realism: the Renaissance artist no longer sees man as a mere observer of the world that expresses the greatness of God, but as the greatest expression of God himself. And the world is thought of as a reality to be understood scientifically, and not just admired;
The use of canvas and oil paint begins;
Both painting and sculpture, which previously appeared almost exclusively as details of architectural works, become independent manifestations;
Emergence of artists with a personal style, different from the others, since the period is marked by the ideal of freedom and, consequently, by individualism.
The Stonewall riots (also referred to as the Stonewall uprising or the Stonewall rebellion) were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations by members of the gay (LGBT) community against a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood
lot has changed for LGBTQ Americans in the 50 years since June 28, 1969, when an uprising in response to a police raid at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Manhattan’s West Village neighborhood, kicked off a new chapter of grassroots activism. The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down state bans on same-sex marriage; the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy has come and gone; one of the candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination is gay.
But one thing that has changed surprisingly little is the narrative about what exactly happened that night. In half a century, we haven’t gained any new major information about how Stonewall started, and even experts and eyewitnesses remain unsure how exactly things turned violent.
“We have, since 1969, been trading the same few tales about the riots from the same few accounts — trading them for so long that they have transmogrified into simplistic myth,”