Advantage: Because of your accent, some people may be interested in you. Not in you particularly, but since your accent sounds nice, they may be interested from where you are and the history of that place.
Disadvantage: Some people may find your accent weird and stuff, you may get bullied and made fun of because of it.
One of the first scenario is that the rock might not contain minerals that would result in the formation of foliations and lineations in the rock.
The bulk of a rock fabric depends on mineral orientations and their unique properties. This is why platy minerals play very important roles in defining the fabric of a rock.
Another scenario is that, the rock might have exceeded the extreme of metamorphism where melting is approached. All fabrics will eventually fan out and be destroyed.
The people<span> who travel to or live in </span>Antarctica<span> fall into two main groups, those who live and work on scientific research stations or bases, and tourists. No-one lives in </span>Antarctica<span> indefinitely in the way that </span>they do<span> in the rest of the world. It has no commercial industries, no towns or cities, no permanent residents.</span>