They are known as the power house of the cell. They are organeles that act as a digestive system which then they take in nutrients, break them down, and create energy for the cell. This process is also known as cellular respiration.
Dampak negatif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Kelebihan penduduk, polusi, pembakaran bahan bakar fosil, dan penggundulan hutan. Perubahan seperti ini telah memicu perubahan iklim, erosi tanah, kualitas udara yang buruk, dan air yang tidak dapat diminum.
Dampak positif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Melindungi spesies yang terancam punah dan membersihkan danau dan laut memiliki efek positif terhadap lingkungan. Di rumah, Anda dapat membantu planet ini dengan mendaur ulang limbah dan menanam tanaman atau sayuran.
<span>the bones of fibrous joints are joined by fibrous tissue, such as the sutures in the skull or the pelvis. Fibrous joints allow no movement at all. he bones of synovial joints meet in a joint capsule, such as the knee joint where the femur and tibia meet. These joints are the most common and most moveable joints in the human body</span>
August 4th, 1961.........................................
It is a choice
It cannot be a disease because you make the decision on your own.