She is on staff at the Center for Food Safety (CFS)
The person speaking on a particular topic must have the knowledge and credentials over the subject domain. By seeing the type of domain name in the website, it can be found out that the domain name is ".org" which means the person writing belongs to a non profit organization.
Hence the writer is a staff member at the Center for Food Safety which is a non for profit organization in the United States of America. Its main function is to protect the human health and protect the environment. It also focuses on the new techniques for food production.
Reading out loud. Talk to your friends
The media has a huge impact on our views and behaviors, making it a crucial part of the socialization process. Young people are also influenced by the media to misbehave. The media portrays deviance as cool and tough, and that it is OK to engage in deviant behavior.
Two forms of energy which those are inertia and friction
For more resources and a new land.
It was the revolution