The answer is Pip replaced it with tar water. Since Pip is excessively bustling stress over what the Tickler will do to him to eat much. Mr. Pumblechook attempts the brandy, just to dispatch into a hacking fit. Pip unintentionally filled the brandy bottle with tar water to influence it to appear like nothing had been stolen. Everybody is completely befuddled with reference to how tar water could have discovered its way into the container.
" I had escaped a worse than lion's jaws"
THe man believes an angel is in the room and sprays perfume throughout the room
There was once an old lady who walked into a bank, holding a big sack of money. She demanded to speak with the president of the bank. After a few minutes of arguing with a staff, they finally relented. "Uh, hello ma'am," The president greeted. "How can I help-" He stopped and stared at her sack of money. "Where did you get that?" He asked, gesturing towards the bag of money. "Bets," She smiled, "in fact, I want to bet with you right now! I bet you $20,000 that you have square toes, and I would like to bring my lawyer as a witness! Tomorrow!" "Fine," The president laughed. The next day, the president didn't have square toes, as the lady held his toes in her hands and examined them herself. The funny part, though she lost that bet, she won another one for $100,000, and it was that she would hold the president of the bank's toes.
Gandhi Defends His Beliefs" ends with this sentence .
I wanted to avoid violence. Non violence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.
Gandhi concludes with the definition of nonviolence and a personal anecdote .
Hope it helps and have a wonderful day!