<!-- Modified by selena ramirez - for html compliance -->
In HTML, <!-- .. --> tag is used to insert comments in the webpage code.
Comments written inside the tag is visible only on the code, and is not displayed in the browsers when the page is requested by the client computer.
<em>Comment tag</em> is useful when there is a lot of code and multiple developers are dealing with the same code.
Comments help developers understand what changed is made and why.
The following code is a Python function that takes in the amount of change. Then it uses division and the modulo operator to calculate the number of coins that make up the changes, using the greatest coin values first.
import math
def amountOfCoins(change):
print("Change: " + str(change))
quarters = math.floor(change / 0.25)
change = change % 0.25
dimes = math.floor(change / 0.20)
change = change % 0.20
pennies = math.floor(change / 0.01)
print("Quarters: " + str(quarters) + "\nDimes: " + str(dimes) + "\nPennies: " + str(pennies))
Answer: True.
Explanation: It uses only the 3 bits to represent any digit in binary and easy to convert from octal to binary and then to vice-versa. Hope that helps
rv = "hello"
num_chars = len(rv)
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the string rv, in this example I set it to "hello"
Use the len() method to get the number of characters in the rv and set it to the num_chars
Print the num_chars
Note that the result will be 5 in this case, because <em>hello</em> consists of five characters