The animal agriculture industry is killing our environment and putting every species on this planet at risk of extinction. The animal agriculture industry's pollution of our air, water and land, along with deforestation and soil degradation, all contribute to habitat loss and species extinction.
The genetic characteristic of two different organisms are induced into a new host organism for the purpose of producing new genes.
In the field of bio technology, Recombinant DNA technology plays a very important role. This helps in the production of genes. The first thing insulin of human was produced with this technology. In this technology, the gene that is to be produced is cut and it is placed inside a host organism where it gets multiplied.
This technology uses five steps in gene production. Firstly, the DNA that is essential will be cut. this is done by restriction site. PCR is used secondly in order to amplify the copies of the genes. Then these are induced into Vectors after which they will again be introduced into a host organism. Then finally the results will be the genes of the desired characteristics.
We can’t see what you’re talking about :( there’s no image or anything on my end
A stimulus, the cockroach is sensed by your eyes.
Your eyes transmit nerve impulses from the optic nerve, the a group of sensory neurons, to the brain, the central nervous system.
In the brain, the impulse is then transferred by relay / association neurons to the motor neurons which signals the effector which is the muscle in your legs to contract, making you jump in shock
All cells in the body have the same DNA and the same genes. In organs & tissues the expression changes.