Alarge vacuoles cell walls and chloroplasts
<u>The stomach </u>
Digestion describes the intake, chemical and physical breakdown, absorption of nutrients and excretion of food with the use of enzymes. The stomach secretes the enzyme, gastric lipase to digest fats.
Further Explanation:
Food is chemically and mechanically broken down into smaller particles. In the stomach the enzyme gastric lipase acts on lipids, breaking them up into their components. Phospholipids, bile acids, bilirubin, and cholesterol are combined into bile in the liver, which when secreted into the duodenum of the small intestine; this comes from its storage site, the gall bladder, and functions as an emulsifier or as a detergent.
These hold the fats and water together and increase the surface area of lipids, which can be further digested by enzymes so the nutrients are further broken down for absorption into the bloodstream.
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Learn more about Fats and calories at
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<span>"Cytoplasmic determinates" are the proteins and rnas which perform a greatly significant role of vital importance in oocyte maturation, essential to organ formation of an organism's development very early on in the process which takes place in the mother's ovary.</span>