Answer:Smallpox and vaccination are intimately connected. Edward Jenner developed the first vaccine to prevent smallpox infections, and this success led to the global eradication of smallpox and the development of many more life-saving vaccines.
The Correct Answer is A, B and E.
- A civilization can be referred to as ancient culture. With main features of early civilizations included the building of the cities, a system of social classes, a complex religion, a well-organized government, specialized jobs and a method of keeping the record about the city.
- Religion is one of the key features of early civilization. there was four leading religion linked to civilizations such as Christianity, Hinduism, Confucianism and Islam.
After thousands of years of civilization, people realized that the notion of social classes was wrong. The reign of incompetent rulers now and then demonstrated that people in the lower and upper classes could behave pretty much the same. Also, the nobility, supposed to hold the responsibility of political power in exchange of protecting the commoners was nearly always neglected as to justify the nobles' privileges and superior social position. The short-lived Athenian democracy revolved in the minds of countless people throughout the years and inspired the modern democracies of today via the works of the Enlightenment free-thinkers who rejected the traditional hierarchical differences between individuals and advocated for a government of citizens that would serve society, not themselves. As the dissatisfaction of the colonists of the Thirteen British Colonies in America with the despotic impositions of the British government grew, a clear idea of a government serving the will of the people emerged, and that thought was best expressed by Lincoln's statement honoring the sacrifice of the Union soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg: "A government of the people,for the people, and by the people."
In summary, popular sovereignty consists of a government supported by a Constitution and institutions listening to the needs and concerns of the people in order to act in consequence, this is, real democracy in action.
Answer: William Lloyd Garrison,
Hope I helped:)
That is actually super funny.
I thought it was some how going to be a math problem but this is much better