Telemachus doesn't even know what his father, Odysseus looks like, because they had only met when Telemachus was a baby.. But he was dressed like a beggar. - I hope that helped :)
The answer is on the first part; Opening of the Interview. The first part in doing an interview is crucial because this is where you'll establish rapport by giving the purpose of the interview and outlining what the interview is all about. Giving the purpose of the interview also allows to interviewee to be prepared in the next parts of the interview.
Below are the choices:
a.the natural beauty of Long Island Sound and how it complements Gatsby's charm
<span>b.the carefree but false happiness of the affairs and their guests </span>
<span>c.the grotesque violence from which Gatsby's great wealth was acquired </span>
<span>d.the discomfort felt by all the guests who do not know much about Gatsby's past
</span>In his florid descriptions of gatsby's lavish parties, fitzgerald captures the carefree but false happiness of the affairs and their guests
Her children never coem to visit her.
The theocracy that ruled Puritan salem