<span>it made trade difficult for merchants whose business crossed state lines.</span>
They are more likely to be true, and they came from someone who experienced first hand what happened
Answer: this war was started because the French and brits couldn’t decide who owned Ohio so a border dispute over the Ohio river valley and some British attacked some French causing relations to sour even more
"1" Taoist physical practices like breathing exercises, massage, martial arts, yoga, and meditation. These are meant to change a person both physically and mentally and bring them closer to harmony with the Tao.
"2" These are objects that are thought to bring good luck. They also keep the evil spirits away In Taoism talismans are strips of paper which written on them are words of power and religious symbols that focus on benevolent spiritual energies to purify, heal the sick, and drive away demons.
"3" To bring order and harmony to many layers of the cosmos.
"4" Southern Taoism is more of an offshoot of Cheng-I Taoism, the only liturgical tradition that’s surviving today. The priests still perform liturgies just like the chiao, believed to harmonize their local community with the cosmos. But the north doesn’t approve of these rituals. Northern Taoism has grown from the Ch’uan-chen tradition.