"C. Is it subjective or objective?"
simile, uses like!
similes always use like or as while comparing something
B.) They employ figurative language.
Note, the word figurative language basically refers to the used of words to communicate in a way that what is said or written does not follow a regular (literal; simple) meaning rather is to be understood in a more complex or unique (symbolic) way.
In the first excerpt, the use of the phrase <em>"he took the tortillas out of his poetry"</em> is to be understood symbolically. Similarly, in the second excerpt, the expression <em>"the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head," </em>the reader observes a personification of the object, 'tree', this is a good example where figurative language can be observed.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was a sovereign state established by the Acts of Union 1800 , which merged the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland . The United Kingdom, having financed the European coalition that defeated France during the Napoleonic Wars , developed a large Royal Navy that enabled the British Empire to become the foremost world power for the next century.
Hearing is simply the act of perceiving by the ear. Listening is something you consciously choose to do.
-Listening requires concentration -Hearing simply happens it gets to your ears