Sponges are similar to other animals in that they are multicellular, heterotrophic, lack cell walls and produce sperm cells. Unlike other animals, they lack true tissues and organs, and have no body symmetry.
The shapes of their bodies are adapted for maximal efficiency of water
flow through the central cavity, where it deposits nutrients, and leaves
through a hole called the osculum. Many sponges have internal skeletons of spongin and/or spicules of calcium carbonate or silicon dioxide. All sponges are sessile
aquatic animals. Although there are freshwater species, the great
majority are marine (salt water) species, ranging from tidal zones to
depths exceeding 8,800 m (5.5 mi).
This process will harm marine life due to scarcity and reduction of oxygen levels. This will significantly harm the marine ecosystem as well.
To part A the answer is continental drift :D to Part B the answer is Mid-ocean ridges :D Hope I was helpful
No, the arrangement of vascular bundles in the stem same for all plant species.
☆ <u>In</u><u> </u><u> Monocot </u><u> </u><u>Stems</u></h2>
In monocots, xylem and phloem are organized in vascular bundles scattered throughout the stem. As the plant grows, monocot stems generate new vascular bundles for the new tissue. Monocot stems in general possess a simpler arrangement than that found in dicots.
☆ <u>
In Dicots</u>
<u> </u><u>Stems</u></h2>
Within the class of plants known as dicots, herbaceous dicots and woody dicots have different arrangements of vascular tissues. In herbaceous dicots (plants, mostly annuals, with soft, non-woody stems), vascular tissue remains in discrete bundles even at maturity. In contrast, when mature woody dicots (plants, mostly perennials, with woody stems) reach maturity, the vascular bundles join together to form continuous rings around the interior of the stem.
<em><u>ThankYou</u></em><em><u> </u></em>✔✔</h2>