Even though Tina told her to skip it, Lexie had a nagging feeling in her gut that if she missed her brother's spelling bee, he would be extremely disappointed in her as well as her parents. After a half an hour of going through the list of pros and cons she had written, she called Tina and told her that although she truly did want to go to the show with them, she thought that her family should always come before friends. Tina completely understood and when Jess heard the news, she was disappointed but came to terms with Lexie's decision. As soon as Lexie arrived at the spelling bee competition, her brother's face lit up with pure happiness and joy when he noticed that Lexie was there with their parents. <em>This was the right decision.</em> Lexie thought while she cheered on her brother. At the end of the championship, her brother won and they all went out to celebrate.
It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!
A limerick poem of animals building nests in an old man's beard.
Amy Tan (author of the Joy Luck Club) has written an absolutely terrific piece on what a well educated daughter (Tan) thinks of her mother's "spirited" English. It is an essay that is a masterpiece of its kind.
She explains in detail why her mother's English and how it is written doesn't matter. Her mother has other qualities that her language emphasizes. What matters is how well her mother is able to express herself ignoring all the usual rules of syntax.
From Tan's description, I have to say that C is the best answer.
If the lady speaks only Chinese, the meaning of the phrase means absolutely nothing. It is just sounds. D is wrong.
B is possible, but it would not be true for every idiomatic phrase. So I wouldn't pick B.
A has the same problem as D. I would stick with C
Well one thing that Abraham Lincoln embodied was unity. In his speech "A House Divided" it was all about being united, and if we were split up as a nation, or even within our own families we wouldn't be able to stand. The nation (or family) would fall apart because unless we are working together, things can't go correctly.
If you read through the other poems and memoir chapter, I'm sure you can come up with a few more answers.