9/11 was Terrorist attack on the pentagon and the twin towers several several thousand people were hurt or killed
<em><u>new ocean floor </u></em>
<em><u>Earth's crust is spreading, creating new ocean floor and literally renewing the surface of our planet.</u></em>
B) true
The ascertion that of all the new secular subject matter that arose during the Baroque Age, the genre of landscape perhaps most decisively marks a shift in Western thinking; the spiritual is no longer exclusively found in church, but can be found in nature is True.
The Baroque Age is a period where the artistic style was in Vogue and this started around 1600 and run through 1750.
The word Baroque was derived from the Portuguese barroco which can also be refer to as the "oddly shaped Pearl".
Yes, this is true!
This is especially true in the olders generatios, especially among the voters of 65 years or older - since women live longer, they can also vote longer. Hover, among the young voters, the men outnumber the women
Women also outnumber men in the voting population in almost every state.
Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics describes 3 kinds of friendships: of utility, of pleasure and of the good. He talks about friendship of utility meaning the one that exists between two people that are usefull to each other. For instances you might be friendly with you neighbour just because he takes care of you little pet whenever you want to go out a week-end plan.
Friendship of pleasure is between people who enjoy their mutual company. That would be if you have a close mate with wich you enjoy jogging or having a casual dinner once a week, the one you are common interest with.
Friendship of the good is the one thats based on mutual respect and admiration, they take longer to build but are the ones that are longlasting.
The first two tipes of friendship are easily brokesn, especially when the goal is achieved, or the routine becames boring and you need some fresh air. I would say that Bonnie and Shawanna are friends of utility. As the stament says they go out for drinks after work because is usefull for each other. But that doesn´t mean that after some time together and long and deep conversation they couldn´t find some interest in common and share another kind of frinedship.